
I am a Counselling Psychologist and completed my Masters degree at the University of Johannesburg. I am also a registered BWRT Practitioner and Clinical Hypnotherapist. I strive to provide a safe and non-judgemental therapeutic space for my clients to explore, navigate, and grow through their current challenges.

I use a holistic and integrative approach to fit each client's individual needs. I use Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Psychodynamic Therapy, BWRT, and mindfulness based techniques
to assist clients in their therapeutic journey.

I have a special interest in perinatal mental health and narcissistic abuse. I also provide comprehensive career assessments and career development counselling services to individuals
and groups from grade 10 to 12 and post matriculation.



Traumatic experiences can be caused by one specific event or multiple events over a long period of time. These traumatic events can lead to symptoms that might start to impact your social, emotional, and/or occupational functioning. Symptoms include (but are not limited to) flashbacks, nightmares, difficulty sleeping, hypervigilance, anxiousness, irritability, anger, or avoiding anything that reminds you of the trauma. At times, traumatic experiences can lead to other mental health challenges such as suicidal thoughts, depression, anxiety, or substance abuse.

Low Self Esteem

Having a low self-esteem can impact the way you view yourself, your level of motivation, and what you believe you deserve from others and the world. Low self-esteem symptoms can include negative self-talk, difficulty accepting compliments from others, self-doubt, people-pleasing, difficulty establishing boundaries, and comparing yourself to others.


The grieving process after experiencing a loss can be a difficult journey to go through. For some the additional feelings of guilt, anger, despair, and feeling “stuck” may accompany their feelings of sadness. Furthermore, unresolved issues with the person who died might complicate the grief process. Therapy can provide support while you work through accepting the loss and working through any symptoms you might be experiencing as a result of the loss.


Depression is mood disorder that impairs your social, emotional, and/or occupational functioning. Symptoms include a consistent low mood, sense of hopelessness, sense of worthlessness, suicidal thoughts, sleep disturbances, changes in appetite, fatigue, irritability, anger, tearfulness, and/or a loss of pleasure in the things you used to enjoy.


Anxiety disorder is an emotional response of excess worry/fear that negatively impacts your daily functioning. The worry and fear can often feel like an over exaggeration to the presented trigger/situation, but still as though you have no control in managing those worries. Other anxiety symptoms can include overthinking, sweating, heart palpitations, restlessness, sleep disturbances, and other physical symptoms such as headaches and muscle tension.

Stress management

Stress is a natural response to a pressured situation. Stress can help motivate you to get things done, but it can also become overwhelming and lead to procrastination, burnout, and poor mental health. Stress management can help you identify coping skills that will alleviate symptoms and assist you in handling future stress in a healthier way.

Anger Management

Anger is a normal emotion that might stem from internal distress or a specific incident. Often anger can be a response to disappointment, sadness, feeling wronged, or as a symptom of a mood disorder. Anger can become problematic when you are releasing it in unhealthy ways, such as verbal or physical aggression, blind rage, intention to hurt someone with your words, revenge, or self-harm.

Relationship and interpersonal difficulties

When you are in relationships with others, naturally conflict will arise from time to time and sometimes it might be difficult to find a resolution or way to start moving forward. Relationship or couple therapy is about navigating through the relationship difficulties in a healthy way, to identify and replace unhelpful behaviours, or to resolve hurts and wrongdoings.


Significant life changes can lead to a period of adjustment that might be more difficult for some to cope. These life changes can be stressful and evoke feelings of anxiety and depression. Examples of stressful life events include divorce, relocating to a new environment, challenges at work/school, or recently diagnosed health issues.



What is Psychotherapy
Psychotherapy is the process of working through social, occupational, emotional and psychological difficulties in a safe and non judgemental environment. All sessions are confidential and completely voluntary.
What will happen at my first consultation
The first consultation is an opportunity for the psychologist to gain a deeper understanding of you and the current difficulties you are facing. Thereafter, the process of therapy and recommendations for going forward will be discussed. This is also an opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have regarding therapy and your journey.
What if I cannot attend my session?
Therapy is a voluntary process and you are not obligated to ongoing sessions; however, atleast 24 hour notice is required if you cannot attend your booked session.
How long is each session?
Each session is 50 to 60 minutes, however, longer sessions can be arranged if necessary.
What are career assessments?
A career assessment is the use of psychometric tests to help you understand your aptitude, personality type, career interests and values. Knowing the latter can help you make a more informed decision about which career field to pursue. Career assessments can be administered to individuals and groups.
What are the fees?
We charge medical aid rates and claim directly from your medical aid.


Feel free to contact us if you have more questions.
    Opening Hours:
  • Monday - Friday
    • 08H00 - 16H00
    • Closed on public holidays
    Lynn Judy Fick :
  • Counselling Psychologist
    • PS 0135925
    • Practice No: 1018663

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